Moldova's authorities and an opposition political leader said Friday aviation officials had denied landing approval to a flight bound for the capital Chisinau bring pro-Russian opposition activists.According to Romanian authorities, the flight from Armenia was rerouted to an airport near the capital Bucharest.Moldovan pro-Russian MP Marina Tauber

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Relatives of mobilized Russian soldiers campaigning for their loved ones' return from Ukraine have called on the authorities to replace these men with the sons of Russian officials and media personalities.

“We demand to replace our men with other quite specific men: the children and husbands of those who tell our citizens from the screens that war i

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A dozen Ukrainian children who were being held in Russian-occupied territory have been returned to parts of the country controlled by Kyiv, a regional official said Friday.

Kyiv has accused Moscow of abducting almost 20,000 children from parts of the east and south of Ukraine, while many more have found themselves living under Russian control after

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Italy on Friday detained a Russian national thought of assisting the son of a previous local governor in Russia escape home arrest while waiting for extradition to the United States on charges of unlawfully exporting military technology.The Russian national apparently arranged for Artyom Uss-- the son of ex-Krasnoyarsk region Governor Aleksandr Uss --

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Russian authorities independently admit that their chances of preventing an Armenian exit from the Moscow-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) are slim, two Russian authorities, one current and one retired Russian diplomat, and a former CSTO authorities have actually told The Moscow Times.Some of The Moscow Times' sources accepted speak on condition of

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Russian law enforcement authorities on Friday introduced a criminal examination into a shelling attack in eastern Ukraine that eliminated a cameraman and hurt a war correspondent working for the pro-government NTV tv channel.NTV cameraman Valery Kozhin passed away in the hospital on Thursday after reportedly coming under attack near the

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